Sunday, July 25, 2010


How does he manage it? ESP? The Donald has some type of magical powers - must be - otherwise there's just no explanation for the present he got me for my birthday.

It all started last year when Nancy and I went to Hannah's cabin in Wisconsin. Perched on a steep hill overlooking a little lake, it's a quintessential 1920's style log cabin - really perfection. Outside, facing the lake is a lovely, log swing. Sitting there quietly, listening to the wind and the birds, I knew that this is exactly what I must have down by my dock.

So this year, I started researching log swings. The one made by a family firm in Michigan was very good, but the price tag of $288 was a bit steep. I even happened to mention it to a woman in the cafe at the Brimson Market who turns out to be an adviser at the Univ. of Minnesota. She said her husband is getting into working with wood and might be interested in making this. The next day I sent her an email so she'd have my information and could see the type of swing I'd like.

Peggy, who owns the cabin on the north side with her brother Peter, also heard about my desire. Pete is pretty well-to-d0, and was supposed to be coming up shortly. I said now that their cabin is all redone in his beautiful white pine, the only thing that was missing was a log swing. Yes, that's just what Pete should buy for the place, a nice log swing - $288 - including shipping. I'd be happy to send him the web site and will also use it when no one's there to make sure it stays in good operating condition. We had quite a few good laughs at this joke.

Then came my birthday, Friday. Don and Sarah were supposed to come up when he got off work and I'd serve the three fish I'd caught. Everything was ready. Table was set and I was just waiting for his call to make sure when I should start cooking. Well, I got the phone call alright. But instead of coming, they had to cancel because he had to work late. Hey, wait a minute! This will never do. OK, if you're not coming now, then there's a penalty involved. You have to come tomorrow for lunch. Not only that, but you have to come earlier and (finally) visit the Brimson Market and "Cookies from Cadotte". I didn't know if they'd be able to make it or not, but I was thrilled when, from under my blue canopy at the market, I saw them walk up.

I didn't think my day could get any better and I was really excited to get home and serve the nice lunch. Driving up I stopped to talk to Sarah who was picking flowers for a bouquet for the table. Then, turning into the drive I got just up to the cabin when right on the lawn, in front of Don's truck . . . there is was - the swing - the very one! I was in shock. I had never mentioned this to him, had I? No, I'm sure I hadn't. How had he known? How could this be?

So, my wish for a log swing has been fulfilled and it's everything I could have imagined and more. Nestled under a cedar tree, it is an oasis, and an excuse for a big comfy pillow to lean on and a book. Today, Sunday, is sunny and warm with just the most perfect breeze. Sitting on the swing, reading my book, looking up at the sky and clouds through the branches and waving at the woman in the boat pulling a water skier, I think I must be back in the 1950's or early 60's. No strife or bad news of any sort. Just comfort and happiness.

By the way, I blew out all the candles with my strawberry-rhubarb birthday pie (Sarah's of course). It should be a good year for everyone!

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