Friday, December 28, 2012

Library Books

I'm sure just about everyone has been to the library and taken out books.  Me too.  But I seem to have a little problem; not with taking out the books, but with bringing them back.  Yes, I know, all I have to do is call the library and renew the books.  Sounds easy, doesn't it?  And it is, unless you don't.  And I don't. Then there are fines to be paid, and of course the guilt.  

Luckily, the library also sells books.  And they sell them at a price that even I think is too low.  That's a shocker, huh?  How would you feel about buying 4 wonderful books for $1.  Yes, that's the going rate at the Davie/Cooper City Branch.  So, I buy as many books as I can find and when I'm done I simply bring them back and buy more.  It's much cheaper than the fines and I can take as much time as I wish with each one.  Plus, I'm supporting the library instead of being charged for my crime.

The other good thing about buying them is that I can choose only the size I want.  I don't care for hardcovers, too difficult to hold.  You certainly can't hold a large one with one hand while you sip coffee with the other.  Plus, people who bring in these books tend to fall into several categories, one of which is perfect for me; good books.  Good - as opposed to romance novels, which have their own cart, there are so many of them.  Then there are the self-help and spiritual books, also not my cup of tea.  But right on the top, within easiest reach are the Pulitzer Prize and other award winners.  Then there are English translations of Latin American authors.  I always find those worthwhile.

So, two days ago I brought back 10 books and bought 7 at the astounding price of $1.75.  I'm reading and enjoying "Drinking the Rain" now.  School begins again on January 4th and some of the above will have found their way to the lower shelf, indicating they can be returned.  Here's a secret.  I write my first name and my last initial in each book.  In one respect it's a way of reaching out to the future reader.  In another way, it's a reminder that I've already read the book.

One additional perc to this library, which was a surprise to me, is that it's right next to a horse pasture.  I never noticed them before but here are couple of pictures I took, having brought my camera just by chance.

I love the library!